PBS arts IN focus recently featured Katrina Mitten - Beadwork Artist, enlightening the audience with the rich history behind her work. Catch the video clip here: https://vimeo.com/241055087
"American Indian Jewelry III: M-Z, 2,100 Artist Biographies," 416 pp, 2,500 color illustrations, Hallmark Index. This is Vol. 9 in the "American Indian Art Series." Now accepting advanced orders for priority shipment in May. 505-473-5375; [email protected].
Preparing for a great day at Alexandria Jr. Sr. High School on Friday, teaching over 200 students about my culture. The full day Friday will be followed by an even more eventful weekend at the Andersontown Pow Wow! Check out the site for details http://www.andersontownpowwow.org/index.html
March 2018
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